A Caring Face

As my first post, I thought it relevant to write about something that means a lot to me, even if I’m not always capable of achieving it. That is having a caring look. I know that sounds sort of strange, and maybe even impossible for some people to achieve, but it’s not. It’s a mindset. But anyways, let me share a story about it first.

So for those that don’t know, I’m a dual enrolled student, which means I go to a high school and a college at the same time. It’s pretty fantastic, since you can start getting college credits early, and your classes are free. (Fantastic right?) Anyways, the college I go to is right across from my neighborhood, and so I usually get home from high school and then I walk over to my college classes whenever I have to be there. (I don’t have my license so I can’t drive, that’s a long story for another time.) But today I woke up with a pounding headache and a stomach bug thing, so I didn’t bother going to my high school classes. Unfortunately, college classes aren’t as lenient towards sick people, and my Pre-Calculus class was not one I wanted to miss. So come one thirty I was grabbing my brother’s long board and out the door to my class. I was feeling pretty terrible, and didn’t want to be up to say the least. So I crossed the road and went into class where I managed to stay awake and keep my lunch inside me rather than across the floor. As class ended I got out as soon as possible and headed home. My day so far had been pretty terrible, and I still had homework to do at home which just made me more reluctant to go home. So I sort of meandered across campus, hoping I’d come across someone that would give me a reason to stay on campus for a bit longer. (And give me a reason to stop moving.) I didn’t find anyone I knew, however as I got to the bus stop, I was observing people’s faces more than usual and I started to notice something. First of all, people are almost always locked up in their own worlds. But secondly, when someone is willing to look someone else, a stranger, in the eyes, (and not scowl at them) the feeling you get is uplifting. Now I’m sure that’s not always the case, again that’s if they aren’t scowling or giving you a nasty look, but still. For the majority of the people that looked me in the eyes, I was more open to, and would sometimes even be willing to smile at. In fact, when a lady in a car passed by and was willing to smile at me and look me in the eyes, it made my outlook on my day a bit better. I started to notice the wonderful weather, (In Florida this only happens in random spurts during the winter.), and the sounds around me. Then, as I rode down the sidewalk across the road into the college, a car almost ran into me but I stopped right before he could, but still got in front of him. (I had a stop sign, it was my fault. I’m a bit of an idiot at times.) I was worried he was going to honk at me or be upset, and so I grabbed my board and backed up to where I was. (Also, partly because I’m awkward and had no idea what I was supposed to do, but that’s besides the point.) Surprisingly, the guy in the car laughed and smiled, while looking me in the eyes and told me I could go ahead.

Now that may seem like some of the simplest things ever, but let me tell you, they weren’t to me. That guy came off as an extremely nice man to me, just because of the way he looked at me. The lady appeared as a caring person, a caring face in a sea of wondering souls. Just a simple effort to try and show your apologies and kind intentions in your face and eyes makes a tremendous different, and can make someone’s day, someone like me.

So when you’re walking through a crowd of people, don’t forget to try and be kindly, not just by appearance, but with your heart. We’re called to love people as much as Christ loves them and loves us, and the simplest way we can convey that is with a smile and a look. Those people might not have the prettiest faces, or always be happy, but I feel like all they have to do, all we have to do, is keep in our minds how much good we have in our lives. If we just open up and try and share life with people, with a simple, genuine smile or laugh, it can really impact and change someone’s day or life. It did for me.

Here’s to hoping you have a fantastic day,

Josiah Serravalle